Jul 26 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009: The Top Ten

Today I conclude my series of posts showcasing my picks for the best tracks of 2009.  And it only took half a year!

10. Grizzly Bear – Two Weeks

It sounds like nothing they’ve ever done before, so cheerful, so upbeat, so….piano pop.  But it works just the same.  It still feels like Grizzly Bear – the lush production, the layered harmonics.  And the lightbulb-head music video is a fun watch as well.

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Jul 13 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009 – 20-11

Today I continue my ten-part series showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of last year.

20. Kid Sister – Right Hand Hi

We waited a long time for Ultraviolet, and it was worth it.  Sure, most of the tracks had been previously heard (thank you Internet), but having them all in one cohesive package made for a pretty stellar dance mixtape.  Not to mention it began with this banger, an ode to “stackin’ money and drinkin’ all night.” How could you not get that hand up high?

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Jul 2 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009 – 30-21

Today I continue my ten-part series showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of last year.

30. Magic Kids – Hey Boy

San Francisco has churned out some pretty awesome music as of late, and the 50’s-esque Magic Kids are too fun to pass up.  Mix up a little Beach Boys, add some poodle skirt twists, and throw in the finest moments of Grease, and you’ve got “Hey Boy,” a girl/guy sing-along my sister and I have mastered.

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Jun 21 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009 – 40-31

Today I continue my ten-part series showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of last year.

40. Phoenix – Lisztomania

It’s been a long time coming, but thanks to Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, the French quartet are now a festival circuit band and one of the biggest groups in the world.  Their jazz-fused, stream-of-consciousness take on upbeat pop is clearly expressed through this track, featuring an unconventional chorus that, like so many things Phoenix, works perfectly, even if it’s a bit outside the boundaries of what we normally hear on CHR.

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Jun 3 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009 – 50-41

Today I continue my ten-part series showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of last year.

50. The Thermals – Liquid In, Liquid Out

The shortest song from the group’s poppiest album, and quite a singalong at that.  It’s a shame they don’t play this live, but I suppose it was intended as a mere interlude for the middle of the disc.  What might have been unintentional is the song’s surefire infectiousness.

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May 6 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009 – 60-51

Today I continue my ten-part series showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of last year.

60. tUnE-yArDs – Sunlight

Simple, repetitive, and one-note at first, but the tracks then grows with an excellent chorus and layers of bass and guitar after the listener gets used to the unique drum pattern.  As we continue listening, more layers of sound surface, including what sound like sampled background vocals.  The song builds to an final explosive chorus that, by this time, you should be able to sing along with.  An unusual, but powerful, demonstration of progression in pop, “Sunlight” is a treat every time.

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Apr 23 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009 – 70-61

Today I continue my ten-part series showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of last year.

70. Miley Cyrus – Party In the USA

“Seriously?”  Yes, dude, seriously.  You know why people hate this song?  Because Miley sings it.  That’s the only reason.  Any other reason and you have no soul.  Why?  Have you listened to this song?  It’s fucking awesome.  Seriously.  And Hannah Montana had nothing to do with its awesomeness.  That crunchy bass line?  That banging beat?  And the melody is pop gold.  I mean, it’s not like Miley had anything to do with the songwriting and production – she didn’t.  She just sings.  And the Auto-Tune makes her sound like sweet, sweet candy.  Seriously. So stop pretending like you don’t love this song just because 14-year-old girls do, too.  They’re not always wrong.  Sponge Bob is still awesome.

For those of you still willing to lie and say you hate this song, and you don’t crank it when no one’s looking, nodding your head like yeah, moving your hips like yeah, let me ask you this: do you even like music? Seriously.

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Apr 9 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009 – 80-71

Today I continue my ten-part series showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of last year.

80. Nickel Eye – Brandy of the Damned

Seems like all last year, the Strokes were running around doing all kinds of different things unrelated to their core band.  Julian and Albert pursued solo projects, while Fabrizio started Little Joy.  The only one that sat around and counted money was Nick Valensi.  Bassist Nikolai Fraiture started the Nickel Eye project, churning out a debut album in January of 2009.  While I was mostly underwhelmed with the majority of the disc, “Brandy of the Damned” is the ultra-repetitive, ultra-catchy standout.

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Mar 29 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009 – 90-81

Today I continue my ten-part series showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of last year.

90. IYAZ – Replay

Usually in December of every year, I go home for Christmas.  The indie world is dead at the end of the year, so I usually do research on the pop charts, listening to songs I have missed for most of the year.  Nearly all of the songs I am happy to have avoided, but there are always a few candidates that make the cut.  I’m a sucker for well-crafted pop music, as everyone knows, and IYAZ’s first single had my head bobbing enough for it to make my year-end list.  It’s charming, super-infectious, and it name-drops a common household item that no one owned ten years ago (that would be the iPod).

Mar 12 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009 – 100-91

Yesterday’s post got me all riled up, and since I love lists, I figured I’d go ahead and start yet another analysis I should have posted months ago – this one won’t take as long.  Today is the first post in a ten-part series looking at my personal favorite tracks of last year.

100. Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Heads Will Roll

I wasn’t a huge fan of It’s Blitz – definitely my least favorite from this group.  I saw them at Monolith 2009, and, to say the least, they were disappointing.  Turns out I’m not as big a fan of Karen O and her “animated” stage antics as I thought.  Pretention is something I can’t get past, no matter how rocking the music behind her is….but since they were playing mostly ballads from their latest effort, that wasn’t the case.  All this being said, this track is pretty damn catchy.  Karen’s try at Blondie was hit or miss for me, but the highlight of Blitz is three and a half minutes of complete dancing hysteria.

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