Aug 9 2010

My Top 300 Songs of the 2000s – 190-181

Today I continue my ongoing feature showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of the past decade, posting ten songs at a time.

190. Pete Yorn – For Nancy

There’s no getting around it: musicforthemorningafter is a masterpiece and by far Yorn’s finest hour.  And “For Nancy,” the breakthrough single for the Jersey-born musician, is the finest song off that disc.  A tale of love lost that’s parts optimistic, parts well-wishing, and parts purely bitter, every confusing emotion associated with a breakup is laid out plain here.  That’s always been a specialty of Yorn’s – no confusion, no abstraction, just a straightforward, “it is what it is” approach, musically and lyrically.  Here, when wishing the best/worst for an ex, it reminds me of another great American songwriter.  Don’t think twice, it’s alright, indeed.

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Mar 12 2010

My Top 100 Songs of 2009 – 100-91

Yesterday’s post got me all riled up, and since I love lists, I figured I’d go ahead and start yet another analysis I should have posted months ago – this one won’t take as long.  Today is the first post in a ten-part series looking at my personal favorite tracks of last year.

100. Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Heads Will Roll

I wasn’t a huge fan of It’s Blitz – definitely my least favorite from this group.  I saw them at Monolith 2009, and, to say the least, they were disappointing.  Turns out I’m not as big a fan of Karen O and her “animated” stage antics as I thought.  Pretention is something I can’t get past, no matter how rocking the music behind her is….but since they were playing mostly ballads from their latest effort, that wasn’t the case.  All this being said, this track is pretty damn catchy.  Karen’s try at Blondie was hit or miss for me, but the highlight of Blitz is three and a half minutes of complete dancing hysteria.

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