Aug 2 2010

My Ten Favorite Music Videos With Animation

The title says it all; Paste did a similar list a few weeks ago, but I wanted to give my .02, so enjoy these classics.


Honorable Mention: Red Hot Chili Peppers – Californication

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May 5 2010

My Top 300 Songs of the 2000s – 260-251

Today I continue my ongoing feature showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of the past decade, posting ten songs at a time.

260. The Teenagers – Homecoming

All of my guy friends find this song pretty hilarious, yet every girl I’ve ever played it for is repulsed by its lyrics.  Think of “Summer Nights” on Grease, but with a techno beat and the word “cunt” in the chorus.  You know what?  I’ll just let the lyrics speak for themselves.


Guy: I fucked my American cunt

Girl: I loved my English romance

Guy: It was dirty, a dream came true, just like I like it, she’s got nice tits

Girl: It was perfect, a dream came true, just like a song by Blink 182

And like Grease, it’s a singalong.  Hilarious, right?  Maybe?  Ladies?

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Mar 1 2010

Deftones Discography Part 1: Adrenaline

One of my favorite bands, the Sacramento-based Deftones, are preparing the release of their sixth full-length album, Diamond Eyes, on May 18.  In light of this, I am going back, re-listening to, and analyzing their previous albums to gain a perspective of the band’s past while waiting in anticipation of the band’s future.

Adrenaline by Deftones (Warner Bros., 1995)

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