Sep 25 2012

Quick Rants and Raves 9/25/12

Rant: The Fail Mary

Oh man, guys. What a colossal screwup. I mean, wow. We knew this day would come, though, didn’t we? I mean, come on. Replacement officials were getting calls wrong all weekend, so of course the final play of the final game of the weekend would come down to a historically botched, game-changing false victory and loss. In my mind, this was inevitable. We’ve continued to see the progression of regression from these unqualified officials, how the owners and the league allow these people to decide games, defend them for what can be clearly seen to the naked eye as incorrect and what the public as a vast majority disagrees with. The aftermath from players, coaches, the media, the public is to be expected, as is the predictable “the call stands” nonsense the NFL came out with today. Props to Aaron Rodgers, always the better man in a situation like this, for apologizing to the fans in his radio interview this morning. Shame on Pete Carroll for being a generally terrible person. Shame on Goodell and the league for allowing this to continue; hopefully last night was the final straw, but I really doubt it. An outright boycott isn’t happening, and in the end, this is about business. As an MBA student, I get it, but as a Packers fan, man I’m pissed. Why did it have to happen to MY team? Mark my words, we haven’t seen the last of this, especially if this one game (that needs an asterisk forever by its final score) determines the postseason fate for Green Bay. It’s nice, though, that, at least for today, almost everyone in the USA was a Cheesehead, standing up for the integrity of the game and declaring my boys got robbed and tweeting “The NFL is a joke” and comparing the current state to Vince McMahon proportions of ridiculousness. Everyone in the USA except, of course, Seahawks fans. But how many of those are there anyway?

Rave: Beltre FTW

In much better sports news, Adrian Beltre added another walk-off RBI to his career stats as the Rangers beat the A’s at home 5-4 last night. Why is this victory important? This reduces the magic number for Texas to 5, and Oakland continues to nip at our heels, threatening to relinquish our AL West lead, as we still have six more games to play with them, and nine more games left in the regular season. And with Darvish benched tonight after complaints of a stiff neck, it looks like tonight may be as crucial and nail-biting as last night was. But you know what? I’m not worried, at least not as much as I was before last night’s game, or when Holland was benched for Oswalt (who admittedly saved us, even though his season-long habit has been to sink us), or when we were down 4-2. We’ve still got a long way to go, but with Hamilton returning after being diagnosed with some sort of vision disorder only to…well, be Josh Hamilton and slam it into the stands, and with Beltre coming through in the clutch in the bottom of the 9th, and with Nathan saving like he’s saved all season, you can bet this team looks pumped for the postseason. Now let’s get it done.

Rant/Rave Hybrid: The Green Day/Billie Joe Debacle

Today’s Green Day post has taken on a whole new life since the events of this weekend. Today, of course, marks the release of Uno!, the first of the new trilogy I’ve talked so much about, but instead of appearances on television and record release parties in San Francisco, Billie Joe is in rehab, and promotional appearances have been canceled. I’m sure by now you’ve seen the “meltdown” or “tantrum” or whatever you want to call it that transpired Friday night, and of course I have many thoughts about it, as the biggest Green Day fan you will ever know.

First of all, “meltdown?” Anyone remember when the Who and the Rolling Stones smashed their guitars and we called it “rock and roll?” Now it’s a meltdown? The fact of the matter is, if the organizers at the iHeartRadio Fest had ever even seen a Green Day show, even a recent one, they would know the band, particularly Billie Joe, HATES getting cut off or telling him he has a few minutes left. (Of course, it could be debated very few people in that venue had any idea who Green Day are, if you watch the videos and look at the various bored crowd members, that seems apparent. I feel sorry for the Green Day fans that attended this awful, awful festival.) Organizers at Reading tried to unplug his guitar this summer, and he chased them off the stage. The band loves to play for hours; they’re used to it, they love it, their fans love it. They’re one of the hardest working bands out there, no doubt about it, and anyone who’s seen them play knows it. So, yeah, don’t tell Billie Joe he has one minute left.

As for the Bieber thing, why even bother? It obviously wasn’t a jab at the kid, even though I wish it was, he was not-so-eloquently stating the disrespect he felt for being a tenured rock star to be given such a short set for younger acts. Honestly, the fact that Green Day even signed up for this abomination of a fest blows my mind. And the apology? I guarantee you Billie had nothing to do with that. Check his Instagram photo the next day….he regrets nothing. So yeah, the apology? Damage control. After all, Clear Channel is a huge radio conglomerate who own more radio stations than any other company in the nation, and Green Day is one of the twenty rock bands left who actually get played on the radio, so yeah. PR move. I hate it, but bidness is bidness.

As for the speculation that this whole thing is fake, you better believe it’s not. This is the old Green Day, the crew that would jabber like juveniles in between songs coked out of their minds, who would wreck entire stages of monitors and amps and drum sets that didn’t belong to them….on national television, no less. Who would drop kick unruly fans in the pit at their own shows. And look at it from a business perspective….sure, the video’s gone viral and that might be seen as a way to boost album sales, but you can bet major appearances on Ellen, KROQ, and Jimmy Kimmel Live, which have all been postponed, as well as a show in San Fran, and possibly more appearances later, don’t cost money? Exposure? If Warner Bros. planned this whole thing, only to burn bridges at reputable radio and TV outlets, that would be pretty stupid, right?

And Billie getting treatment….well, that puts a very dark spin on everything. On the acts of Friday night. Of all previous interviews and performances. Of the album and its lyrical content, which you can read about here. And apparently this is long overdue, which leads me as a fan to question: how long exactly? That’s a scary thought, that Billie’s been fighting through this for a long time.

Bottom line after everything: get well, Billie Joe. Cancel all the appearances, the concerts, the interviews, your health is what matters more than anything. More than corporation musical snooze fests (doesn’t the name “iHeartRadio” just say it all?), more than performances on TV, hell, more than legit Green Day secret shows or a worldwide tour. More than all this dumb media speculation and nonsense from non-fans weighing in because they liked Dookie in junior high. And when you’re ready, we’ll be waiting. And you can bet I’ll be there, throwing all my money at you. I just bought the new album on pink vinyl!

And the new album’s fantastic. Go listen to it. Now.

Jan 13 2012

NFL Divisional Playoffs Picks

Denver Broncos vs. New England Patriots

So I’m 2-2 so far in the postseason picks, but I have a feeling after this weekend I’ll be in the win column, especially if Tebow plays like Tebow and not like the superhuman, make-me-look-like-an-idiot passing machine that he was last week against the Steelers. There’s no way a guy who has completed for less than half during the regular season has any chance of keeping up with Tom Brady and the best offense in the AFC. No matter what the TeBros tell you this week, New England will win this one handily.

New Orleans Saints vs. San Francisco 49ers

This one’s another slam-dunk offensive show; Drew Brees is unstoppable right now, even though the 49ers defense is well rested. Brees threw for 466 yards last week against the Lions, and San Fran has done pretty average against the passing game. Stopping Frank Gore and the rushing offense will be a challenge, but nothing the Saints aren’t capable of handling. This one goes to New Orleans in a game that should be pretty much done by the time the fourth quarter comes around.

Houston Texans vs. Baltimore Ravens

Yates and Flacco aren’t the story here. This one’s all about running backs; whichever defense stops the leading rusher is the winner. So whether the Texans can kill Ray Rice, or the Ravens can crush Arian Foster, that’s what the scoreboard will show. So it should be a pretty close game, but I think Baltimore has the edge on this one – home-field advantage, more experience in the quarterback position, and a well-rested D-line.

New York Giants vs. Green Bay Packers

This one’s the nail biter, and speaking as a Packers fan, I’m pretty damn scared of Eli Manning and the Giants defense. Green Bay’s well rested and playing in cold-as-hell Wisconsin, but New York is pretty hot right now. This one will be a blow-for-blow offensive shootout, and it will be incredibly fun to watch. In the end, my money’s on Green Bay, but expect a last minute finish similar to when these two teams met in Week 13.

Oct 31 2011

Five Awful Things That Happened This Weekend In Sports

5. Packers Had a Bye Week

I’m going to chalk it up to boasting too much last week, because my most awesome weekend in sports probably ever was followed by one of the worst. And my only certain team, the Green Bay Packers, the only team that could have lifted my spirits, didn’t even play this week.

4. Dallas Got Embarrassed

After a great showing against the Rams, the Cowboys let themselves get torn up by a struggling Eagles team. Philadelphia dominated on both sides of the ball; Michael Vick threw for two TDs, and LeSean McCoy easily reached 185 yards rushing. They looked like the dream team everyone was talking about in Week 1. Tony Romo….well, he looked like Tony Romo. 18 of 35 passes, one interception, and one touchdown, the lone score for Dallas.

3. Texas Tech Got Embarrassed At Home

It seems like every time Tech gets a number by their name, they immediately blow their chances of that number getting any smaller. I mean, I’ve seen the Red Raiders too high off a big win, but wow….what a lousy game. By the first quarter, I didn’t want to watch anymore. It was just pitiful. Iowa State owned us. Is it obligatory for us to pull off an unlikely win and lose what should be a given every season?

2. Game 7 Was the Nail In the Coffin

See number 1 for the night before, but after that heartbreak, I knew we didn’t have it in us. Wash was shaken, and he made bad decisions. Where was Feliz? Why start Harrison, who has been pitching like crap lately? With the exception of Pujols superhuman Game 3, we were either neck and neck or completely dominating the Cards throughout the series. But on the night that it counted, we phoned it in. Too easy of a win for an unlikely Wild Card team.

1. Game 6 Was Fun to Watch Until the Very End, Then It Hurt Like Hell

Everybody’s already saying this might be the most exciting World Series game ever, and I don’t disagree. For St. Louis, it’s fulfilling. For Texas, well, we were the reason it was so riveting, but not in a good way. We gave up one pitch, and it tied the game for extra innings. Next inning, we did it again. And it couldn’t go on forever. When Joe Buck declared with his usual insufferable snark, “We will see you tomorrow night,” I had a gut feeling it was already over. You can’t come back from a loss like that.

Bonus: The Tebow Hype Machine Settles Down…For Now

Apparently everyone forgot the Dolphins are the worst team in the NFL, or at least they did when Tim Tebow manufactured a comeback against them last week. Tebow was hailed as Denver’s saving grace, but lo and behold, he and his same old offensive line choked hard this weekend against the Detroit Lions. Tebow completed only 18 of 39, threw one TD, one interception, and was sacked seven times. The Broncos lost 45-10, so maybe that will shut everyone up for a while. At least until next week if they win against Oakland.

Oct 24 2011

Top Five Awesome (And One Overrated) Sports-Related Events This Weekend

5. Packers Beat Vikings

Just wanted to remind you guys my favorite team is still the only undefeated team in the league and Aaron Rodgers is a touchdown-throwing beast. 24 of 30 passes, three for TDs, and a mere 335 yards. Discount Double Check!

4. Cowboys Beat Rams

The story here isn’t the quarterbacks (although Romo certainly played better) but DeMarco Murray, who set a franchise record with 253 rushing yards. And while it should be a given to win against the Rams, it still was nice to see my second-favorite team, who have had their share of embarrassing losses this year, earn the W for this week.

3. Pujols Sets World Series Records (And I Was There!)

As crappy as it was watching the Rangers get stomped at home in Game 3, I can honestly say I was impressed with Albert Pujols three home runs. Afterwards I learned that is a World Series record shared only with Babe Ruth and Reggie Jackson. And I saw it happen in Rangers Ballpark. So that was pretty cool.

2. Holland Pitches Like a Champ (And Did I Mention I Was There?)

Of course it was even better being in the ballpark last night, as the key player of the night was Texas’ Derek Holland, who only allowed two hits and no runs in 8 and 1/3 innings. It’s because of Holland the series is all tied up, and hopefully it will be because of Wilson that we come ahead after tonight.

1. Texas Tech Wrecks Oklahoma in Norman, Shocks BCS

While watching the Rangers get beat, I moseyed into another office, and they happened to be showing the Texas Tech/OU game, which I was almost certain would not lift my spirits. Oh me of little faith; like the rest of the country, I was surprised to find my Red Raiders wrecking the Sooners after a lengthy weather delay. Even though it wasn’t the game I was attending, it did feel good to celebrate something Saturday night. And now we’re in the Top 25 for the first time since a little duo with the names of Harrell and Crabtree beat a guy named Colt McCoy back in 2008. I was pretty worried about this season, but after this away-game upset, who knows what this young TTU team is capable of? Should be a fun remainder of the season, and a promising one next year.

Bonus Overrated Event – Tim Tebow Wins Some Game For Broncos After Playing Like Crap For the Majority of It

In what was undoubtedly the worst NFL game of the week, one horrible team (Denver) played another (Miami), and the result was a low-scoring, punt-filled snooze fest worthy of napping through. Then, like the blessed pigskin messiah he is, Tebow decided to play football in the fourth quarter and started throwing passes that were in the general proximity of his intended receivers. Tebow racked up a not-so-dazzling thirteen completed passes for 161 yards. But of course he rallied his team to win, and I suppose that’s all that really matters in the NFL, but as they do, the media blew his performance way out of proportion. Lest we forget the other 45 minutes of the game where he played like crap; before everyone gets all crazy, let’s focus on the obvious fact that there is a lot of room for improvement. And the Dolphins still suck.

Feb 7 2011

The Best and Worst Ads of Super Bowl XLV

The Best:

Continue reading