Movie Trailer Rundown 12/2/10
Trailers for upcoming movies. Some are good, some not as much.
Trailers for upcoming movies. Some are good, some not as much.
Trailers for upcoming movies. Some are good, some not as much.
Trailers for upcoming movies. Some are good, some not as much.
They’re drinking SHINER BOCK! AWESOME!
Trailers for upcoming movies. Some are good, some not as much.
Journalism in the Age of Data from Geoff McGhee on Vimeo.
It’s about an hour long, but I encourage you, especially those of you interested in the future of news, media, and journalism, to take a look at this fascinating short doc on data visualization as the world moves forward from print to digital.
The film, produced during a journalism fellowship at Stanford University, covers a broad range of topics about graphics design for news sources, including a showcase of some of the finest (and most confusing) graphs and charts produced recently. The main focus is the innovative work the New York Times has done, and some of the world’s brightest minds in this burgeoning medium. Indeed, as software and data programs become more common and accessible, the art of translating a ton of data into something the average newspaper reader can understand is challenging, intriguing, and creative.
Trailers for upcoming movies. Some are good, some not as much.
Trailers for upcoming movies. Some are good, some not as much.
Trailers for upcoming movies. Some are good, some not as much.
My sis and I are making a short film this weekend – hopefully it will turn out as awesome as it is in our brains. In the meantime, on a semi-related kick, here are some new movie trailers I’ve recently seen that look appealing.