Jun 3 2011

Music Videos From Another Land

With the exception of tomorrow’s podcast and Sunday Night Videos, this will be my last post for awhile, as I am traveling abroad to Europe for the majority of June.  I will return with new posts on the 20th, but until then, here are some music videos about traveling, Europe, etc.

Jun 17 2010

My Top 300 Songs of the 2000s – 240-231

Today I continue my ongoing feature showcasing my personal picks for the best songs of the past decade, posting ten songs at a time.

240. Menomena – Wet and Rusting

The finest track from Friend and Foe begins with Menomena’s trademark effects layered across an odd strumming pattern.  By the time we reach the second chorus, the track turns into a cavalcade of rolling drums and scaling piano lines.  And to top it all off, it’s simply beautiful.

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