Sep 24 2010

Currently Digging: Toadies – Feeler

When Interscope turned down Feeler, the sophomore effort from Dallas natives the Toadies, back in 1997, they probably had no idea what they were hearing – an alt-rock sound slightly more progressive and ahead of its time than what was filling up the airwaves at the moment.  The late 90’s were a transforming period for most of popular music; we had yet to see the short-lived Latin craze, the boy band saga, or the nu-metal movement take full swing.  The execs at the major label quickly tossed this promising album aside because they simply didn’t hear another “Possum Kingdom,” the track that helped the band’s debut Rubberneck go multi-platinum.

After the promising second album Hell Below Stars Above, the band called it quits for a while, then returned with the hit-or-miss comeback album No Deliverance.  But this retooling of that lost album is a shining point in the band’s catalog, no doubt.  The crew went into the studio this summer and re-recorded a portion of the tracks from Feeler, giving them a fresher, edgier, and louder touch.  Frontman Vaden Todd Lewis’ now-raspy Texan wail provides a more aggressive approach to the already-pristine material.  The new album reveals a refreshed band playing previously shelved masterpieces from the era of their creative peak.  An essential listen for all Toadies and Texas music fans.

Toadies – Dead Boy

Toadies – Waterfall

Toadies – Suck Magic